Whats On?

  • Sunday Mornings 10:30am

    This is our main family service. We'd love for you to join us. Our hope is that you’ll feel like you're amongst friends and you will discover a church that's welcoming and full of life.

  • Sunday Kids Church

    Our kids church runs from 11:15am at the Ark until the end of our church service. Children have a Bible story followed by games and crafts.

  • Monday and Thursday Toddler Group

    9:30-11:00am (term time)

    Join us for preschool play and a cuppa, only £2.00 per session, this includes snack for the children. See our Facebook page for more information www.facebook.com/thearkhorden

  • Tuesday Stars Music and Rhyme


    Preschool music and rhyme

    Babies-4 years

    Tuesday (term time)

    The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden

  • Wednesday Coffee Morning


    Pop in for coffee and good company!

    The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden

  • Thursday Bible Study

    Come along, bring your Bible and enjoy this weeks study! Everyone welcome!


    The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden.

  • Friday Warm Space Pop In

    Come along for a warm meal and good company

    From 3:00pm

    The Ark , Sunderland Road, Horden