Whats On?
Sunday Mornings 10:30am
This is our main family service. We'd love for you to join us. Our hope is that you’ll feel like you're amongst friends and you will discover a church that's welcoming and full of life.
Sunday Kids Church
Our kids church runs from 11:15am at the Ark until the end of our church service. Children have a Bible story followed by games and crafts.
Monday and Thursday Toddler Group
9:30-11:00am (term time)
Join us for preschool play and a cuppa, only £2.00 per session, this includes snack for the children. See our Facebook page for more information www.facebook.com/thearkhorden
Tuesday Stars Music and Rhyme
Preschool music and rhyme
Babies-4 years
Tuesday (term time)
The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden
Wednesday Coffee Morning
Pop in for coffee and good company!
The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden
Thursday Bible Study
Come along, bring your Bible and enjoy this weeks study! Everyone welcome!
The Ark, Sunderland Road, Horden.
Friday Warm Space Pop In
Come along for a warm meal and good company
From 3:00pm
The Ark , Sunderland Road, Horden